Foss Family And Connected Branches

Foss – Hooper – Carle – Hamilton – Tourtellot – Berry – Locke – Zellma – Phillips – Morrell – Babb – Barker – Barnard – Bartlett – Higgins

There are an estimated 10 million living Americans and as many as 35 million people worldwide descended from the Pilgrims, according to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.

Mayflower Pilgrim Ancestors of Lena Edith Hooper Foss (b.1885 d.1970):

Joseph Rogers7th G. Grandfatherb.1602
Churchman, HannahSailed on the Mayflower at the age of 17 with father Thomas Rogers.
Constance Hopkins7th G. Grandmotherb.1606
Snow, NicholasDaughter of Mayflower Pilgrim Stephen Hopkins.
Richard Warren8th G. Grandfatherb.1578
Walker, ElizabethHis wife and children were left behind and came afterwards.
Stephen Hopkins8th G. Grandfatherb.1581
Kent, MaryIndian expert and trouble maker.
Thomas Rogers9th G. Grandfatherb.1571
Cosford, AliceCame on the Mayflower with eldest son Joseph, while leaving his other children and wife  in England. Died first winter in Plymouth.
John Howland9th G. Grandfatherabt.1598
Tilley, ElizabethManservant to Governor John Carver. During the voyage of the Mayflower fell overboard during a storm, and rescued. Married to Elizabeth Tilley.
John Tilley10th G. Grandfatherb.1571
Hurst, JoanDied first winter at Plymouth. Husband of Joan Hurst.
Joan Hurst10th G. Grandmotherb.1568
Tilley, JoanDied first winter at Plymouth. Wife of John Tilley.
Elizabeth Tilley9th G. Grandfatherb.1607
Howland, JohnVoyaged on the Mayflower at the age of 13. Married to Josh Howland.
Mary Wentworth9th G. Grandfatherb.1569
Brewster, WilliamOne of five adult women to survive the first winter at Plymouth, and one of four women  to survive the first Thanksgiving.
William Brewster9th G. Grandfatherabt.1566
Wentworth, MaryPilgrim leader and spiritual leader of the Plymouth Colony.
Giles Hopkins8th G. Uncleb.1607
Weldon, CatherineVoyaged on the Mayflower at the age of 12.
Love Brewster9th G. Uncleb.1611
Collier, SarahVoyaged on the Mayflower at the age of 9.
Connected Via Lena Edit Hooper (b.1885 d.1970)

Semual Bellamy

Samuel Bellamy “Black Sam/ Prince of Pirates”(b.1689 d.1717)

Captain Samuel Bellamy (c. February 23, 1689 – April 26, 1717), later known as “Black Sam” Bellamy. He was known as the most wealthiest(Equiv. US$139.6 million in 2018) pirate known in recorded history. He and his crew captured at least 53 ships. 

Sam ran his pirate operation democratically. His men were slaves, Native Americans, and sailors pressed into service. Black Sam treated them equally and let them vote on important decisions.

He was known as “Black Sam”, because he ignored the fashion for powdered wigs and wore his black hair tied  back with a black satin bow. Unlike the stereotype pirate character, Sam had good manners, dressed in fancy clothes, and he always wore four ornate dueling pistols in his sash.

Bellamy originally part of Benjamin Hornigold and Edward Teach’s (Blackbeard’s) crew aboard the Mary Anne, Bellamy rose to captain and soon gained fortune when he captured the ship Whydah Gally, a gigantic slave ship carrying riches on its second leg in the Atlantic. The Whydah was refitted as a flagship with 28 cannons, and was capable of attacking any man-of-war ship in the Americas, because of its advanced weapons system.  Bellamy attempted to sail the ship back to his lover Maria Hallett that he left in New England but never made it, sinking off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts during a violent storm. Sam was only 28 years of age.

Ancestral Relationship
Sam and I are connected by a common ancestor Thomas Paine(b. 1626 d.1706) and Mary Snow(b. 1630 d. 1704) who are my 8th great parents, and Sam’s grand parents.

Black Sam Flag

Flag of Black Sam

“…they spread a large black flag, with a Death’s Head and Bones across, and gave chase to Cap’t. Prince under the same colours.” – Thom. Baker (Bellamy’s crew)
DNA Connection1st Cousin 8x removed
Samuel Bellamy Relation Chart via Colin Foss

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Foss crest has a ‘passant’ red fox with a bottom Azure and top argent ‘chief’ ordinaries background.

♦ Silver / White – Argent: Signifies truth, sincerity, peace, innocence and purity.
♦ Blue – Azure: Signifies loyalty, chastity, truth, strength and faith.
♦ Red Fox – A symbol of one who will use all his shrewdness, sagacity, wit or wisdom for his own defence.